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Morning DROP-OFF 

No one may be dropped off before 7:20 AM. If you bring your child to school or pick him/her up after school, you must use the FRONT ENTRANCE of the building. Our side parking area is solely for the buses and staff (with the exception of Head Start morning drop-off). This is for your child’s safety. Also, ALL STUDENTS MUST BE UNLOADED AND LOADED FROM THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE VEHICLE. THEY MUST ALSO BE LOADED INTO THE BACK SEAT. This is also for safety reasons. Beginning on Independence Day (August 19, 2019), ALL cars in the drop-off line must go through the line and drop the students off at the sidewalk with the duty personnel. No one will be able to park and walk a student in (except for new students). This is for safety reasons and is in keeping with the policies at all the other parish schools. If you have something that you need to drop off in the morning, you will have to drop off your child first and then pull back around and park. No one may enter the building until after 8:00 AM.

Suggestions to help speed things up:

  • First of all, if you live on a street where we have bus transportation, you may want to consider allowing your child to ride the bus.  They get here in a very timely manner, and ONLY our students ride our buses.
  • If you are going to continue to utilize the Parent Drop-Off, please have your child ready to hop out of the car as soon as the duty personnel open the door.  Students should already be unbuckled and have their backpack on their backs with all needed items inside.  They also need to have already said their goodbyes and had their goodbye hugs and kisses.
  • Once the line moves, we need all vehicles to continue moving.

Afternoon PICK-UP

All students who are Parent Pick-Up report to the multipurpose Room at 3:00. Two pick-up stations are positioned on the outside sidewalk. Vehicles form a single line around the lot and the drive and students are called out to the stations. You must stay in line and not pass each other. You also must pull up past the yellow poles on the side to fasten seat belts, etc. in order to keep the line moving. ALL VEHICLES MUST HAVE A NUMBERED TAG. If someone comes without a tag, he or she will be asked to park and wait until all the cars are loaded before his or her child can be released.  ALL cars will be loaded before anyone who walks or walks up to the door may receive his or her child. An I.D. must be presented, if you do not have your numbered tag.

Suggestions to help speed things up:

  • Please be on time
  • Students will be loaded with his/her backpack on and all items inside.
  • Please have seats moved forward so that students have room to get in.
  • If you prefer not to have to wait in line on a daily basis, we suggest you allow your child to ride the bus to and from school.
  • This IS NOT a time to conference with the teachers on duty. 

If you have a transportation change, please send it in writing to your child’s teacher.